2019 Georgia USHSTA Coaching Workshop

2019 Georgia USHSTA Coaching Workshop

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The U.S. High School Tennis Association is coming to Metro Atlanta, Georgia, Saturday, November 16!

The low-cost workshop is only $40 and doesn’t require an overnight stay or hotel room.* You’ll also receive a digital copy of the 200-page USHSTA coaches workbook ($20 value) and a membership in the USHSTA ($10 value). It’s like getting the coaching workshop for only $20!

*We start at 10:00 am so coaches can drive to the workshop that morning.

Workshop Curriculum

Workshop topics include:

  • Teaching girls to serve
  • HS tennis program administration
  • Intro to tennis sport science
  • Planning a three-phase season
  • Model practice plan
  • Common coaching mistakes (very important!)
  • Correcting common stroke problems
  • Basic doubles strategies and drills

IMPORTANT NOTE: We will be discussing the formation of a Georgia High School Tennis Coaches Association© at this meeting, similar to state associations in Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, Wisconsin, etc.

The workshop will take place at the Atlantic Athletic Club in John’s Creek, GA courtesy of Jeff Chandley, PTR/USPTA and the AAC. Check out all of the details below:

Workshop Curriculum

Logistical information (address, times, what to bring, etc.)



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