Workshop Testimonials

“I learned more about coaching tennis in those two days than my previous four years of coaching the sport. “

“I’ve just started coaching this year. Your weekend was incredible. I most enjoyed how to deal with new students who have never picked up a racquet and how to make the most of all drills. Planning out the 12-13 week season was fabulous, as well. O.K., you have me hooked! A point that really hit home was to have a couple of shots for them to depend on and practice daily, so it’s no surprise to depend on them in a match.”

“As an old experienced coach, what I am after is any new way, technique, idea, that can keep me ahead of the other coaches. I feel if I can come back with five things that motivate me, it was a worthwhile conference. I came back with a list of 15 points of reference to do things better, and new ways of doing things.”

“The workshop covered lots of material that can be used immediately. All the material covered was very helpful and I can’t wait to tell my team about the information.”

“I thought the clinic was excellent. I realized how much I was doing wrong, and I am very excited to begin coaching using your techniques. After one day of practice I have noticed positive changes in my players games — things I had been trying to change for a long time. THANK YOU!!!”

“I would like to learn some new information at each workshop, but so much information was given to us that if it were the same next year, it would be like watching a movie again. The second viewing you pick up more information!!”

“I thought that it was the best conference I have been to in a long time. It covered a lot of material and all of it pertained to coaching high school tennis. I understand this organization is fairly new, but I personally will do everything in my power to see that other coaches find out how good it is! I have been a member of the USTA for years, but never received much information that I could use on a daily basis for my team. I have had a great deal of success. I have coached my team to five Section Championships, had over a dozen players participate at our State Tournament in Flushing Meadows, NY, but I am always looking for new ways to improve my coaching. Thank you Steve Milano for starting this organization. ”

“I know and appreciate that you were enthusiastic about getting us a lot of information. The clinic was wonderful. I learned more about coaching tennis in those two days than my previous four years of coaching the sport. I hope I will be able to attend every year.”

“I thought the conference was excellent! I traveled a distance, but it was well worth the trip. Steve has hit an area of great need! I have been coaching high school tennis for more than 10 years and have never seen a conference that covered the needs of the high school coach. The coaching session was great, although I wish we had a better chance to all sit down as coaches and brainstorm ideas and how things are done in other states, such as problems coaches face with administration, equal money toward tennis as opposed to other sports, athletic directors, league rules, state rules, the problem super star and I could go on, the topics are endless. Overall I would rate the conference a 10.”

“You won’t believe it. Our first practice after the conference in Norcross and we’re working on mini tennis. During practice, Marilyn is explaining the forehand stroke and demonstrates the tucking of the elbow, as you did, with the tennis ball. A student says, ‘Oh no, that’s not how all the YOUNG tennis pros are doing it. They are using the ferris wheel.’ She then demonstrates. And again she says, ‘All the YOUNG tennis pros are using it. It replaces the older theories and allows you to be so much more effective. You can even get all those low balls.’ I have to tell you that after Marilyn addressed this we had a great laugh. Since you have worked with teens, we thought you would also. At the end of practice she was changing her swing automatically not because we made her but because it was more effective and accurate.”

“When I returned home, I bought bungee cords and an ab wheel and immediately put some of the conditioning exercises into practice. I also used the idea of a goal-oriented drill. What a difference! In just two weeks my players have improved a thousand percent. They know the basic terms, the etiquette, the basic serve, return, volley, forehand and backhand. Just as you said, I used good teaching practices and learning theory to become a better coach.”

“You might be amused at the reaction from my clinic-trained, ‘private-lessoned’ players when I tried to tell them that in doubles, serving down the middle and returning short crosscourt were the best plays.

‘You’re going against everything I’ve been taught!’

‘No! You return crosscourt and deep!’

‘You should make them have to go wide to return!’

I’ve got some work to do…”

“I look forward to visiting your Web site and trying to get the kids as excited as I am about the season!”

“This resource (workshop and website) is my most important tool for managing my teams and seasons. It’s much more germane to my work than the videos, books and the school’s athletic department combined. Thanks very much.”

“I was very impressed with the organization, I’ve attended many national conferences and for one person to do all this and make it a super tennis instruction weekend, much praise and applause is given.”